Love Urban Art? ​These 25 Striking Street Arts Will Leave You Speechless

There has been a dramatic increase in the number of art pieces nowadays, especially in street art, but these 25 pieces of art are outstanding and have the power to stand out in a scene.

6 years ago
Love Urban Art? ​These 25 Striking Street Arts Will Leave You Speechless

According to a beautiful quote by Banksy (anonymous England-based street artist),

“Graffiti is one of the few tools you have if you have almost nothing. And even if you don't come up with a picture to cure world poverty you can make someone smile while they're having a piss.”

Well, I completely agree with this! Street arts do make us smile every time we see them. Must say, each street artist strives to overwhelm the crowd in their way and surely leaves a mark on the cities they work. Many of them manage to make true and fascinating masterpieces that can change the whole look of ordinary streets.

However, some people call street artists “vandals,” and for them, Banksy said,

“Some people become cops because they want to make the world a better place. Some people become vandals because they want to make the world a better-looking place.”

No doubt, some of these works are so marvelous that no one would dare destroy or raise a hand against them. And, here we are showing some of the best street arts from all over the world that will surely leave a lasting impression on you. Enjoy!

1. “Glasses” in Russia!

Source = Pinimg

Doesn't this amaze at first look? Well, on plenty of media sites, this photo went viral And got appreciated by many people. No wonder it is beautiful.

2. Spy Mural by Banksy

Source = Wp

This is one of the most famous pieces mostly because it was torn down. And, after that, Banksy made a mockery of government surveillance in Britain.

3. Look, Who is Staring!

Source = Nevsepic

Unbelievable! An unused wall would look this cute; no one ever thought this.

Amusing, right? Keep looking!

4. Don't Let the World Go Down the Drain!

Source = Instagram

Well, this one is an amazing piece!

It also went viral with a wonderful caption, “Don't let it go down the drain. #Pejac #peoplesclimatemarch #cop21paris2015 #climatemarch #Earthtoparis #Paris #cop21 #climate #climatechange #earth.”

5. It’s Mathematical!

Source = 81m80

Look how someone’s simple but creative thought made this wall extraordinary.

Cool, right?

6. Nobody Likes Me!

Source = Rbl

This shows the real image of our day to day life. It says what it’s like to live in today’s socially driven and social media obsessed world. Also, it displays how people who starve for likes (social fame) get affected easily.

7. Tired of Climbing Stairs!

Source = Bbend

This piece of art could make you smile in your tiring journey. Inspiring, right?

8. Don’t I Look Pretty?

Source = Mdzol

Wow! The silver lip lady looks elegant in her fuzzy hair.

9. And How About My Side Profile?

Source = Pinimg

10. No Doubt, Some Stains are Good!

Source = Pinimg

This mural is something unique. It just converts a stain into an epic illustration of our favorite character Spongebob Squarepants. Isn’t it?

11. Will this Rod Grow Longer?

Source = Cdninstagram

Just imagine you are walking down a street but so stressed and suddenly you see this on the road, won’t you smile? I surely will.

12. I Think, It’s the PacMan Who is Erasing it All!

Source = Steemitimages

Who thought this Pacman emo could be used in this way. Only a street artist can. It's fun!

13. Just Paint the World!

Source = Webdiscover

One incredible example of street art!

14. Camel Came Out from the Desert!

Source = Widelec

Interesting enough, it shows how a scar becomes beautiful with little carving on it.

15. I’ma Get You, Mario!

Source = Staticflickr

Here’s another fun piece from an extremely popular video game that also brings back many childhood memories.

16. Behind the Scenes!

Source = Sohacdn

It’s always a surprise what's behind the drapes. But wow it's amazing!

17. Why are You Looking Like That? I’m Just a Girl!

Source = Facebook

18. Incredible Imagination!

This picture went viral and even got appreciated a lot with the caption,

“She doesn’t look fast, but the Verdapoodle actually covers a lot of ground. #streetart #gardenart #sidewalkchalk #3dchalkdrawings #vegetarian #dog”

Isn’t it fascinating?

19. A Greenery-Filled Truck!

Something unique! Well, this corner of the Netherlands makes it more beautiful!

20. It’s Play Time!

This playful street art just made this boring stairs fun!

21. Cleanliness is ‘Indeed’ Next to Godliness!

Source = Quantrimang

It is not just an art; it is a message to all in a wonderful way.

22. Oh, The Little Things That Make Us Happy!

Source = Twimg

Source = Zadn

23. Sail Rat Sail!

Source = Rumorscity

24. I Love Ma Bushy Hair!

Source = Ning

25. Hiding Away from the Harsh & Cruel Realities of the World

Source = Googleusercontent

Final Thoughts!

Hence, art is not just what we only see in galleries. This huge collection of creative street art proves that the city is probably the best canvas!

Any wall, column or fence could be turned into a piece of art. No wonder it does bring smiles to several faces.

However, there is a debate going on all the time that whether it’s art or vandalism. But I wonder, how can something so beautiful and creative be a crime? Tell us your opinion through the comment section.


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