Beautiful Bouquet of Flowers Made From Pistachio Nut Shells

8 years ago
Beautiful Bouquet of Flowers Made From Pistachio Nut Shells

We all love bouquets with fresh and beautiful flowers. But, real flowers do not last forever. You can make a bouquet that would not dry by using the material available at home, like these pretty flowers are made with pistachio shells.

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Things Needed to Create the Bouquet: Glue gun or any strong adhesive glue Black, Orange and Yellow acrylic paints Thin and medium brushes Thermocol Wire for the stems Green paper tape to wind around the stem wire White chart paper

Cut circles out of the chart paper. Cut as many as you wish to make the flowers.

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Find the centre of the circle and cut the sheet with the help of scissor to the centre.

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Overlap the two cut sides and stick them so that a slight curve is formed as shown above.

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Now start sticking the pistachio shells on the inner curved side of the circle.

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Put two layers of the shells and leave it to dry for few minutes.

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Cut the wire to make stems for the flowers. Cut them the length as per your preference. Peirce the wire from behind and turn the front as shown above.

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Make small balls out of Thermocol, attach them to the turned wire, thick and place it firmly between the pistachio shells.

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Use black acrylic paint to colour the centre followed by yellow and then orange for shading the petals. Once the flowers dry take the green tape and wind it around the wire stem. And now you have an awesome decorative bouquet of flowers for your home.

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