Big or small, your signature is full of secrets. But apart from being a collection of words, it reveals more about you than you may realize.
You may think signature as a symbol that you use only on important documents. But do you know this signature that you use reveals a lot about you? Be it a small, big, messy, or with dots, your signature shows a relationship between your personality.
You might have heard that several body parts, like eyes, lips, and tongue, reveals about your personality. But knowing about yourself that too with handwriting is something new and exciting. The signature sometimes is used confidentially. For instance, it is used when you have to repay a debt or when signing on a legal document. But it is also used in personal communications, sending birthday wishes to someone you love, and more.
Graphology, the study of written and printed symbols, believes in the idea that a person’s handwriting style reflects his/her personality. A recent study by psychologist Alvaro Mailhos of the Universidad de la República in Uruguay has revealed an interesting link between different styles of signatures and certain personality traits.
His team members took note of a few studies from the central tenets of graphology and their work and yielded some interesting results. They found that a bigger signature is associated with self-esteem. Women who sign on birthday cars showed a greater level of narcissism in comparison to women who do not show their signature in such ways.
Using the methods of graphology, researchers have revealed the intricate details about personality by examining signature/autograph.
Do you want to know what your signature speaks about you? But, before you directly jump into searching what your unique sign tells about your personality traits, take a pen, blank paper, and sign on it. Now let’s analyze it.
Note: The below signatures that reveal about your personality according to science has its limitations. More research is to be done.
If your sign is simple (easy-to-read) and straight, you are a balanced and even-tempered person. You are self-sufficient and very organized. Do you know Bill Gates has this signature style?
People who have an ascending signature style are creative, have a sense of ambition, optimism, and vitality. If they feel good, they angle upward.
A person who signs with a backward loop in it thinks a lot about everything. He/she would take everything upon himself/herself and would be miserable until everyone is happy. Also, the person would tend to analyze actions.
People who create a short signature are believed to be impatient and to have a weak concentration. They are over-reactive and always try to move on to something else. For instance, they do not even pay attention to finishing their name (when they sign).
Yes, the size of a signature matters a lot in revealing about your personality. It shows how you feel about the world around you.
Large capital letters in a signature mean a person has a strong sense of self-worth. Besides self-esteem, he/she aims to make sure his/her presence is felt. Former President Barack Obama does his sign in large capital letters.
While a few people underline below signature (only the surname is underlined), others underline full signature. People who underline only the surname are professional with an extroverted private nature, while those who underline their complete signature are selfish and sensitive.
Underlining may indicate a need for importance. It sometimes also shows a lack of self-confidence and recognition.
Slant line that is drawn downward, upward or rightward in signature reveals a lot about the person.
A nickname signature symbol reveals that a person is independent and confident his/her abilities. Also, those who sign with just initials are a private person.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerburg’s initials based signature suggests he is an extremely private person. However, each letter is capitalized that reveals he is much more confident and has a sense of self-esteem.
Do you sign with your nickname? Or do you know someone who signs with the nickname?
This might sound to you a grammatical or careless mistake. But, it might be something else. People who commit this mistake knowingly focus on the bigger picture and not on the gritty details.
Not only the style and size of signature speaks about your personality, but the placement also matters. Like the layout of the page and margins discloses about the types of letters, similarly signature when done in the left, right, and middle shows different personalities.
The size of the first letter of signature tells about what the person feels or thinks of himself/herself while relating to the rest of the world. If the person signs with the first letter in the capital, he/she has more pronounced self-esteem. If it is in lowercase, then he/she is more grounded.
An additional stroke like an exclamation, long line to the end, curly cues, hearts, or underlining draws the attention of people. Meg Whitman of Hewlett-Packard adds a line to the end of the signature; this reveals that she is determined and persistent.
Signature is done in several designs and fonts. It should always be unique and a bit complex so that no one could copy it to do some bad. However, there are a few things that should be avoided and are not convenient to use.
Wrapping signature expresses fear of shyness and distrust. It shows selfish attitude, low self-esteem, lack of adaptation, insecurity, carelessness, guiltiness, and incompatibility with the family environment. If you have a signature with a vertical or horizontal strike, change it immediately as it shows self-hatred.
Unnecessary dots in the signature is interpreted as a reflexive individual with a desire for executing in a perfectionist way. This sign pattern should be avoided when signing on official and legal documents.
Remember your signature tells who you are to the world, so it should be dressed well because it is believed that who signs like this wanted to appear better than others and in turn show their weaknesses and insecurities.
Extra strokes in a signature are no deal, but if you make this mistake more often, it means that you are lost in unimportant activities and waste a lot of time.
Do you find this signature astrology interesting? Everyone’s signature is unique. It is a symbol of identity that is used to represent yourself to the public. More research is to be done in this area, but I find these results impressive. I recommend you to take note of the above characteristics and to draw a more detailed conclusion about it.
Do the above results, according to science, reveal the truth about how you are? If so, share your views below. Let us know who you are, and also help the researchers in finding more about your personality.
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