Some of Most Common English Words Those are Misspelled

In English language there ar...

8 years ago
Some of Most Common English Words Those are Misspelled

In English language there are numbers of words exist that are spelled in multiple ways.  Words with silent letter, words with different syllables etc are the common tricky things  that one needsto understand while pronouncing words.

Here is the list of few words that are quite common but 90%of people voice it wrong.

Sherbet –

Source = Twentytwowords
A dessert that is made with milk, cream and fruits. Correct–Sure-bit Incorrect – Sure-burt

Sudoku –

Source = Twentytwowords
Numbers counting from 1-9 are inserted in grid in some manner. Correct – Soo-doe-coo Incorrect – Suh-doe-coo


Source = Twentytwowords
Satisfied position in life or in an employment Correct – Neesh Incorrect -Nitch


Source = Twentytwowords
A symbol that has been often used to symbolize omitted letter.(eg –password) Correct – As-ter-isk Incorrect – As-tricks

Celtic –

Source = Twentytwowords
Related to people in iron age Correct – Kell-tick Incorrect – Sell-tick

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