Well, the history of the world includes many world wars and bloodshed, in the list, we can say that history was not much smooth ...
Well, the history of the world includes many world wars and bloodshed, in the list, we can say that history was not much smooth and peaceful like today. Although, some countries are still facing some major issues of wars, but still some countries are meant for happy and peaceful living.
Recently, we shared with you the countries having worst traffic , let’s now talk about the countries having a peaceful life. The GPI (Global Peace Index ) report shows the level of peace of in around 165 countries. The report is based on the level of absence of wars, and other external and internal measures.
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It is a small landlocked European country, the crime rate in this country is very low. Czech Republic is popular for ornate castles. You don’t have to worry about robbery and violence, and also there are efficient emergency services available for the tourists.
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Efficient infrastructure, natural wonders and awesome weather, Australia have low rates of crime. Sexually assault and the rate of robbery is very low and this country also offers many job opportunities. Moreover, Australia doesn’t have much pollution.
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Iceland never makes the headlines for conflicts. Tourists love Iceland for its glaciers and unique natural views and other attractions.
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Denmark people focus on economic matters rather than involving themselves in conflicts. People in Denmark are very friendly and are always ready to help others. Crime and murder rates are very low in this country, very few people are landed up in jail here.
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According to the reports Finland is the least corrupt country in the world. Surprisingly, the military force of Finland takes part only the peacekeeping missions. Finland people are high performers in science, Mathematics and reading. This country demands no fees for education.
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The country has impressive mountains, colorful cities and beautiful sandy beaches. The stable government of Portuguese makes it the best place to live in.
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Switzerland maintains the well functioning government, and is raised under the list of peaceful countries that have lower crime rates. Apart from this, the Swiss also maintains a good relationship with other neighboring countries.
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Slovenia when rated in the number of crimes and conflicts got the lowest marks for external wars and violence. Apart from this, Slovenia is a wonderful city that have a number of fantastic travel destinations.
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Despite of having the disastrous past (world war II), the country is peaceful these days. The culture here is diversely unique and what’s more important the country is very much safe to live in.
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Botanical garden, Music fountain, Vajdahunyad Castle etc. are among the most visited places in Hungary. Hungarian people are more often known for their friendly nature. People here are always ready to help visitors. With low crime rates, robbery, and other major issues, the country is very safe to visit. Hungary is a beautiful package of wonderful castles, palaces, lakes and ethereal museums.
Rivers have been crucial to human settlements, commercialization, and building cities. This opens opportunities for trading goods and establishing international connections.
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