7 Best Things About Working With A Boss Of Same Age Group

When your boss is millennial just like you, age difference and communication is the least problem. The greatest...

8 years ago
7 Best Things About Working With A Boss Of Same Age Group

When your boss is millennial just like you, age difference and communication is the least problem. The greatest advantage that you can have is that they are young and restless, and are always open to new ideas. Thus, coming an hour late won’t mind them much unless you are doing it too often. 

However, getting pally or taking them for granted is a strict no. What if, you are in somewhat similar age; the fact won’t change that he/she is your boss. Nevertheless, you always have a few benefits for this on your side. Check them out.

1. They can be the best teachers

Remember the school days, when learning from a friend understood you more than teaching from the teacher. The person is your boss because they have achieved a lot at your age. Try to learn from them as much as you can. 

2. You both have a different perspective

A difference in both of your perspective is obvious. Your boss may suggest a different way to address a problem with his evolution and experience. Working with him will teach you to see things from a different angle.

3. Hanging out together

Being similar in age, there is no awkwardness between you and them for having fun and dancing crazy over the beats.

4. They are approachable

They have gone through your stage even before than you and so they very understand you. You can approach them anytime with your ideas and they respect it. Appreciate their feedback that comes from place of experience in order. 

5. You don’t need to be formal

Although this cannot be universally applicable but it applies to most of them. They don’t expect formality. So, skip them addressing as sir or speaking in low voice. 

6. You need not try to be their favorite

Young bosses don’t believe in this concept. They appreciate you only when you deserve. So, flattering them won’t work. In fact it might make them angry. 

7. They will apologize after they f#%k up

This is a big plus point for bosses of similar age. They don’t follow hierarchy and won’t feel ashamed to apologize in front of you. They are humble for you and that why it’s pleasure to work with them.


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