Nowadays, being an introvert has become a trend....
Nowadays, being an introvert has become a trend. If you’re an introvert, people often assume you to be someone who doesn’t like people (or being with people). And you too are hesitant to admit that. But after the release of Susan Cain’s book on introverts titled “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking,” people’s perception toward introverts began to change. This book even became a bestseller by 2012. On a positive note, the people falling in this “INFJ” club are now proud to call themselves its members. They no longer feel guilty about canceling plans or not attending parties and enjoy their alone time without any inhibitions.
But did you know that there are four kinds of introverts each blessed with unique special powers? Jonathan Cheek, a psychology professor at Wellesley College has talked about these distinctive categories of introverts and the unique traits associated with them in his paper entitled “Four Meanings of Introversion”.
Here they are:
You are one if: you like being on your own because you feel uncomfortable around other people. You contemplate what has or can go wrong.
Unique special powers you are blessed with: Meticulous, Independent, Planning ahead
You are one if: you are careful about what you say and think before taking any action. You like to take the time to get started and even others take the time to know you really well.
Unique special powers you are blessed with: Even-tempered, Wisdom, Seeing the big picture.
You are one if: you like to unwind on your own. You don’t necessarily feel anxious around people but prefer small gatherings to huge ones.
Unique special powers you are blessed with: Taking out time for self-care, Building deep and meaningful relationships.
You are one if: you are so reflective in nature that you lose touch with the outer world and get lost in your thoughts. Unique special powers you are blessed with: Creativity, Thoughtfulness, Brilliant imagination.
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