Weirdest Fashion Trends From All Around The World

Fashion is only an accessory for someone who admires great style but for some it’s a passion. And that's what...

8 years ago
Weirdest Fashion Trends From All Around The World

Fashion is only an accessory for someone who admires great style but for some it’s a passion. And that's what fashion designers do. They follow their passion. The definition of fashion differs from individual to individual. 

For some, it enhances their personality and good looks. Some do not agree to this; they do not associate fashion with style, good looks or personality. It’s about innovation in the traditional that fashion means.  They do not follow celebrities or models, they just define their creativity in new fashion trends. 

Here are the weirdest fashion trends from all around the world.

1. Live pet jewelry – Dutch

Carrying yourself on ramp along with the mood and flow of your dress and theme of the show in itself is a big task. Carrying live pets in addition would make it even more difficult. 

2. EIF Boots, Mexico

They can also be used for skiing.

3. Mosquito net pants

More than fashion, this is a need of the night.

4. Eye tattoo – Canada

How they even think of this? And how is it applied?

5. Manba – Japan

Japan loves this make up.

6. The Facekini – China

This is the perfect protective sun mask. I think it must have been termed as “thieves fashion.”

7. Bagel Heads – Japan

People like to look as if they have been beaten by others. That’s weird.

8. Sweater pants

Cozy and warm. 

9. Eye jewelry

10. Robotic tails

11. Lensless glasses – Hong Kong and other Asian countries


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