10 Funniest Biographies That Will Tickle Your Funny Bone

Every year, many biographies and memoirs are written and released. But the ones that capture the nuanced observations about the author's life with a pinch of humor win readers' hearts.

8 years ago
10 Funniest Biographies That Will Tickle Your Funny Bone

Every year, many biographies and memoirs are written and released. But the ones that capture the nuanced observations about the author’s life with a touch of humor are loved by the readers and hit the bestsellers list.

And you know it’s harder to write humorously than seriously especially when it’s an autobiography- your own life story! Some authors write about their life’s trials and tribulations in such an engaging and witty tone that reading them becomes no less than a laugh riot. The authors of these books truly justify that.

So here’s a list of the 10 funniest biographies ever written that you ought to read.

1. “Bossypants” by Tina Fey

Source = Wsource

This autobiographical comedy book written by American comedian Tina Fey was released in 2011.  Bossypants is a national bestseller that topped the ‘New York Times Bestseller’ list five weeks in a row sold over a million copies. Fey is a phenomenal author best known for her tongue-in-cheek humor. She has covered everything about her life by using humorous anecdotes, from childhood to being on Saturday Night Live & from creating 30 Rock to motherhood, and more. The book also emerged as a winner of Goodreads Choice Awards 2011 for Best Humor.

Funny excerpts from the book:

“To say I’m an overrated troll, when you have never even seen me guard a bridge, is patently unfair.”
“Some people say, “Never let them see you cry.” I say, if you’re so mad you could just cry, then cry. It terrifies everyone.”
“Sometimes you want to have a very productive Saturday to feel that you are in control of your life, which of course you are not.”

Editorial Review:

“A spiky blend of humor, introspection, critical thinking and Nora Ephron-isms for a new generation.” -New York Times

2. “Seriously … I’m Kidding” by Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres is an American comedian, TV host, actress, writer, and producer. “Seriously … I’m Kidding” is her third book which was among New York Times Bestseller in 2011. An upbeat and hilarious autobiography at large, it is a great read with some really heart-wrenching and poignant moments of her life. The book was also nominated for Goodreads Choice Awards- Best Humor 2011.

Funny excerpts from the book:

“Accept who you are. Unless you’re a serial killer.”
“Laugh. Laugh as much as you can. Laugh until you cry. Cry until you laugh. Keep doing it even if people are passing you on the street saying, ‘I can’t tell if that person is laughing or crying, but either way they seem crazy, let’s walk faster.’”

Editorial Review: 

"DeGeneres's amiably oddball riffs on everything from kale to catwalks to Jesus will make fans smile." ― People

3. “Fiction Ruined My Family” by Jeanne Darst

Source = Goodreads

“Fiction Ruined My Family” is a laugh-out-loud autobiography by and of Jeanne Darst who is an American author.  The book came out in 2011 and talks about the fight with alcohol addiction and how she inherited the gene of writing from her parents and grandparents. The New York  Times called it “a winningly snarky memoir”. 

Funny excerpts from the book:

"I was under the impression clichés could ruin you, ruin your life, your hopes and dreams, bring down your whole operation if you didn’t watch it. They were gateway language, leading straight to a business major, a golfy marriage, needlepoint pillows that said things about your golf game, and a self-inflicted gunshot to the head that your family called a heart attack in your alma mater announcements."

Editorial Review:

"Fiction Ruined My Family reads like a script for performance art, a rapid stand-up routine, careless and wisecracky, signaling moments for the audience to respond to a punch line by clapping. The tinkle of glasses subsides; the performer makes a grimace, takes a bow, goes on. Yet genuine pain is explored - for the dangerous ambitions of fame and achievement and the really dangerous distractions of carelessness with loved ones." — The San Francisco Chronicle 

4. “Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)” by Mindy Kaling

Source = Penguinrandomhouse

Kaling is an American actress, comedian, writer, and producer who bagged a nomination for Goodreads Choice Awards Best Humor for this book. “Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?” is a comic memoir and New York Times BestSeller 2012. In this book, she has written about her family, childhood as an Indian immigrant in America, friendships, romance, starring in E4's ‘The Mindy Project’, weight struggles, the journey into comedy, and a lot more. Entertaining, relatable, and touching, this is a book you won’t regret picking up. 

Funny excerpts from the book:

“Another old saying is that revenge is a dish best served cold. But it feels best served piping hot, straight out of the oven of outrage. My opinion? Take care of revenge right away.”
“If I’m at a party where I’m not enjoying myself, I will put some cookies in my jacket pocket and leave without saying good-bye.”

Editorial Review:

"Reading her words is like listening to a likably gabby friend chatter happily over generously poured glasses of red wine." -Washington Post

5. “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened (A Mostly True Memoir)” by Jenny Lawson

Source = Washingtonpost

American journalist, author, and Blogger Jenny Lawson a.k.a "The Bloggess" wrote “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened”. This is a cheeky, unabashedly humorous yet poignant memoir about her eccentric childhood and the dark, perturbing yet beautiful moments of her life. Published in 2012, the book became #1 New York Times BestSeller the first week it came out. 

Funny excerpt from the book:

"When I was in HR, if someone came to me about a really f*cked-up problem, I’d excuse myself and bring in a co-worker to take notes, and the employee would relax a bit, thinking, 'Finally, people are taking me seriously around here,' but usually we do that only so that when you leave we can have a second opinion about how insane that whole conversation was."

Editorial Review:

“Lawson’s self deprecating humor is not only gaspingly funny and wonderfully inappropriate; it allows her to speak... in a real and raw way.”- O, The Oprah Magazine

6. “Life Among The Savages” by Shirley Jackson

Source = Amazon

“Life Among The Savages” is an adorably hilarious autobiography written by Shirley Jackson who is an American novelist and short-story writer. This memoir, published in 1953, is about her family’s life with her four small children in rural Vermont. The book is an honest and cheerful take on motherhood.

Funny excerpt from the book:

“I looked at the clock with the faint unconscious hope common to all mothers that time will somehow have passed magically away and the next time you look it will be bedtime.” 

Editorial Review:

"As warm as it is hilarious and believable...Never has the state of domestic chaos been so perfectly illuminated."–New York Times Book Review

7. “Dry” by Augusten Burroughs

Source = Chipkidd

Published in 2003, Dry is an autobiography written by American writer Augusten Burroughs. It ranked #24 on the New York BestSeller list. The book talks about Burroughs’s struggle with alcoholism and as a New York Ad man. Darkly humorous and irrepressibly candid, the book is truly gripping and definitely worth a read.

Funny excerpts from the book:

“Sometimes when you work in advertising you'll get a product that's really garbage and you have to make it seem fantastic, something that is essential to the continued quality of life.” 
“And in my mind, this settles the issue. I would never drink cologne, and am therefore not an alcoholic.” 

Editorial Review:

“Laughter on the road to sobriety. Mr. Burroughs remains adept at mixing comedy and calamity.” ―Janet Maslin, The New York Times

8. "Killing Yourself to Live: 85% of a True Story" by Chuck Klosterman

Source = Simonandschuster

“Killing Yourself to Live: 85% of a True Story” is a memoir penned down by American pop-culture journalist, critic, humorist, and essayist Chuck Klosterman.  This third book of Klosterman was published in 2005.  The book charts his cross country tours, search for love, and about how and where rock ‘n roll stars have died.

Funny excerpts from the book:

“In New York, people are unhappy on purpose, because unhappiness makes them seem more complex; in Washington DC it just sort of works out that way.” 
“If I knew I was going to die at a specific moment in the future, it would be nice to be able to control what song I was listening to; this is why I always bring my iPod on airplanes.”

Editorial Review:

"[Klosterman] writes with real articulacy and feeling about the relationship between rock music and the non-alpha males who worship it. . . . He's ferociously clever and ferociously self-deprecating, which makes him a superb companion. . . . I absolutely loved it. I don't suppose those guys in tight trousers and makeup have any idea they have such a great chronicler." -William Leith, Evening Standard (London)

9. “Fresh Off The Boat: A Memoir” by Eddie Huang

Source = Audiobooksnow

"Fresh Off the Boat: A Memoir" is an uproariously funny autobiography written by American restaurateur, chef, food personality, writer, and attorney Eddie Huang. The memoir, which came out in 2013, is about his upbringing with immigrant parents in Asian American background, his life and journey as a food celeb in NY city, and of course, food.

Funny excerpts from the book:

"I think my mom is manic, but Chinese people don't believe in psychologists. We just drink more tea when things go bad." 
"I don’t do coupons or Reeboks. Life is too short to half-step." 
"My mom always wanted to send food back. Everything on the side, some things hot, some things cold, no MSG, less oil, more chilis, oh, and some vinegar please. Black vinegar with green chilis if you have it, if not, red vinegar with ginger, and if you don't have that, then just white vinegar by itself and a can of Coke, not diet because diet causes cancer. Microwaves cause cancer, too, so she buys a Foreman grill and wears a SARS mask because 'oil fumes can ruin lungs,' says the woman who smokes Capri cigarettes and drives an SUV wearing a visor. That's my mom."

Editorial Review:

“Brash and funny . . . outrageous, courageous, moving, ironic and true.”—New York Times Book Review 

10. “Life Itself” by Roger Ebert

Source = Goodreads

“Life Itself” is more than a memoir written by American film critic and historian, journalist, screenwriter, and author Roger Ebert. Published in 2011, the book tells about his unparallelled wit, sharp observations, strong judgement and deep insights.  A movie was also made based on the book in 2014. He chronicles about his love, friendships, obsessions, struggle with alcoholic addiction, years at Sun-Times and lot more.

Funny excerpts from the book:

“Nicholas Sparks recently went on record as saying he is a greater novelist than Cormac McCarthy. This is true in the same sense that I am a better novelist than William Shakespeare.”
“They give you a smaller glass so it feels like you’re getting more.” 

Editorial Review:

"Candid, funny and kaleidoscopic...This is the best thing Mr. Ebert has ever written...The book sparkles with his new, improvisatory, written version of dinner-party conversation...Its globe-trotting, indefatigable author comes across as the life of a lifelong party."―Janet Maslin, The New York Times

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