Major features of Zoroastrianism, such as messianism, heaven and hell, and free will have, some believe, influenced other religious systems, including Second Temple Judaism, Gnosticism, Christianity, and Islam.
Founded by the prophet Zoroaster in ancient Iran 3500 years ago, Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world. Followers believe in one God who is all-knowing and all-powerful, and they worship him above all else. This God is known as Ahura Mazda and although he's impossible for humans to understand, the faith provides a number of details about his nature.
Zoroastrianism was suppressed from the 7th century onwards following the Muslim conquest of Persia of 633–654. As per the recent estimations, the current number of Zoroastrians at around 190,000, with most living in India and in Iran and their number is declining. Besides the Zoroastrian diaspora, the older Mithraic faith Yazdânism is still practised amongst Kurds.
One God, Ahura Mazda, who has an evil opponent, Angra Mainyu; judgment after death; heaven and hell. Angra Mainyu is just like any other evil gods, with a massive appetite for destruction.
Ahura Mazda translates as "Wise Lord," reflecting the belief that he is all powerful. Zoroastrians believe that God is responsible for all good things that happen to people, and by worshiping him and studying the holy book, the Avesta, followers believe they can get closer to God.
Zoroastrians also believe that they can know God through the elements, such as fire, which represents God's light and wisdom.
God is part of the natural world, and human beings should avoid contaminating the environment or disrupting the natural order of things.
Zoroastrians believe that holy spirits called Amesha Spentas helped God create the world. The six spirits — Vohu Manah, Spenta Armaiti, Khshathra Vairya, Asha Vahishta, Haurvatat and Ameretat — all represent different aspects of creation. For example, Asha Vahishta represents truth and Haurvatat represents health and wholeness.
From Gaia to Kali; every goddess in mythologies have a prominent role to create or restore the balance in nature and the universe.
Kimberly Campbell
This list showcases the Gods of death, the Underworld, and destruction: from the Egyptian God of Death- Anubis, who was recognized as a man with a jackal head, to the Hindu God of Death- “Yama,” who took the records of each person’s death. But Thanatos was the personified spirit of non-violent death.
Rupesh Chhabra
No wonder, the God of healing and magical tradition allied to it, never failed to surprise people especially in ancient times. Let’s discover some of God and Goddess of healing and their amazing contribution.
Rupesh Chhabra