With almost everybody posting about the good times they’re having a party destination, it’s hard to have a good time staying at home scrolling through social media. Just Try These Things & Thank Us Later.
It’s just another year, another date. Shouldn’t make any difference but if you’re really under the peer pressure to do something, might as well give these things a try. Even if you decide against these things just drink responsibly and don’t drive under influence of alcohol. Rest will be cool.
If you like to spend time all by yourself avoiding people then chances are you play games. And if you’re a gamer, only you’d know the joy of playing multiplayer games like DOTA 2 or Overwatch with your close and distant friends. Just call up your squad and make it a lit night.
The best thing you can do, when you’re not dancing on a beach getting wasted like every other person is to look back on your past year and introspect. What made your year bad and what can you improve to make the best of 2018.
With the rise of snack quick fixes channels on Instagram. The food porn must be making you crazy like us. All of us have saved some of those 5-minute lip-smacking recipes to our Instagrams. Maybe it's time to unleash your Gordon Ramsay.
You’re not alone if you’re thinking of getting a tattoo or piercing in order to give yourself a new aesthetic appeal this new year. Might as well just go ahead and get that ‘semicolon’ tattoo that you’ve cancelling numerous appointments for. Pain is temporary, a cool tattoo is forever.
It’s a shame that we don’t write anymore; not to other people not to ourselves. Well letter to yourself is kind of a flashback that you will look at few years down the line and entertain yourself with the fact that the things you thought were the worst, were in fact literally a phase that you overemphasized.
Solo trips are the best to unwind and introspect. Plus think about the like-minded people you’re going to meet, who are also looking for an escape. It also works when you’re on a tight budget, you can stay at Airbnbs, hitchhike and literally live on Maggi.
With the year ending, maybe it’s time that you finish those chapters that you left unread and start a new book. Literally and metaphorically, if you know what I mean.
What’s better than to jam alone or with your fam on your favourite tracks. Don’t worry if you don’t have karaoke gadget, just Youtube your song and voila your karaoke is ready. You can find the karaoke version of almost every song on Youtube. So, Jam your heart out this New Year’s Eve.
The only way to have a good time on this New Year’s Eve is to get rid of social media; steer clear of it. Because it is the only reason you can’t have a good time. Do any of these things with not a pinch of social media in it.
Simplest and most affordable way to make this new year eve happening one is to binge on TV shows or light-hearted terrible movies.
From Gaia to Kali; every goddess in mythologies have a prominent role to create or restore the balance in nature and the universe.
Kimberly Campbell
This list showcases the Gods of death, the Underworld, and destruction: from the Egyptian God of Death- Anubis, who was recognized as a man with a jackal head, to the Hindu God of Death- “Yama,” who took the records of each person’s death. But Thanatos was the personified spirit of non-violent death.
Rupesh Chhabra
No wonder, the God of healing and magical tradition allied to it, never failed to surprise people especially in ancient times. Let’s discover some of God and Goddess of healing and their amazing contribution.
Rupesh Chhabra