7 Mistakes Probably You Don't Know You Are Making While Running

Running has been an important part of a daily routine. Running is considered to be good for both mental and physical

8 years ago
7 Mistakes Probably You Don't Know You Are Making While Running

Running has been an important part of a daily routine. Running is considered to be good for both mental and physical health. Everyone knows running is one of the best exercises, in spite of knowing its positive effects, people who prefer running are not aware of the mistakes that do while running.

Below are the experiences shared by some experts who are regular runner.

1. Avoid Increasing Distance and Speed at the Same Time

This is one of the biggest mistakes people do while running. Especially beginners, makes this silly mistake. Increasing speed and the distance might risks of injuries.

2. Don’t go For Brand, chose the shoes that fits you best

It would be good if you purchase the shoes from the store that sells shoes specifically for running purpose. Also, it is preferred to change the shoes after every 6 months. Do not go for the brand, instead chose the shoes that fits you best.

3. Proper Posture is Required

Avoid pressuring your heels, focus on the front of your heel for a quick run. Make right postures while running.

4. Only running is not required

Only running is not good for health, but experts say that some stretching exercises should also be considered while running.

5. Do not focus only on Speed

It would be better if you set the goals, and then increase speed slowly. Running burns out the calories.

6. Regular Run

Running regularly, sometimes affects on health. Instead, proper rest, and exercises are also important.

7. Breathe Properly

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Focus on proper breathe while running, most often, beginners get tired soon, take deep breathe and proper posture makes running perfect.


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