Yaay! The Undertaker & Edge are making a comeback in SmackDown's 900th Episode

It’s been a long time since we have watched Edge and The Undertaker in the WWE ring with their power pack performances....

8 years ago
Yaay! The Undertaker & Edge are making a comeback in SmackDown's 900th Episode

It’s been a long time since we have watched Edge and The Undertaker in the WWE ring with their power pack performances. Absolutely the two were much in demand and hope the future kids also remembers them as the great icon. Not only male wrestlers have a huge list of followers but there are some female wrestlers  too who have grabbed the attention of the audience by their sex appeal.

Here is the great news for their fans that both The Undertaker and edge are coming back with their intense performance. Read on!!

1. Next Week, They both will be appearing again.

2. As Smack Down is celebrating its 900th episode next week, Edge and The Undertaker will be seen again.

3. If you also want to watch both, November 26, 2016 is the date and the place is Mohegan Sun Arena.

4. Lastly The Undertaker was seen at WrestleMania 32.

5. Likewise, edge is also the favorite of many youngsters.

6. Shane McMohan tweeted, about the appearance of Edge.

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