10 Most Endangered Species That Must be Protected Right Now

Here is the list of some endangered species that are most in need of our help through conservation and protection.

5 years ago
10 Most Endangered Species That Must be Protected Right Now

You might know that around 350 million animals are present on earth. But you would be shocked to know that several species are on the verge of extinction. Several reasons could be mentioned why these animals are getting extinct. They become endangered by the loss of genetic variation and loss of habitat. For instance, Dinosaurs lost their habitat around 70 million years ago. The loss of genetic variation occurs naturally.

An animal is classified as the most endangered species when its population is declined to 80-90%. Also, when there are fewer than 250 individuals and when an animal population has declined by 50% in three generations. Humans use animals for their fur, use their oil as a food source, cut down the forest, and convert it into fields for farming.

Let us see which animals are considered to be the most endangered and what could be the measures to protect them.

1. Javan Rhinoceros

Source = Indonesia.travel

The Javan Rhinoceros or lesser one-horned rhinoceros is a rare member of the Rhinoceros family. Javan Rhinoceros could be the largest mammal on earth but with a population of 50-55 in Ujung Kulon National Park in Indonesia. It could live 40-45 years in the wild.

Javan Rhinos are smaller in size. It stands at 1.3 meters to 1.8 meters tall at the shoulder. They have grey or grey-brown skin and looks black when wet. Male Javan Rhinoceros have larger horns than female rhinos.

Some have no horns and only have a small knob on the nose. They have sharp and long teeth, which they use in fighting. Javan Rhinos have a great sense of smell but are short-sighted. It is estimated that around 50-60 Javan Rhinos exist today.

This endangered species is in demand because of its horn. Like African Heroes are protecting threatened northern white rhinos, you could also save Javan Rhinos. Do you have an idea of how you could save this endangered species?

2. Mountain Gorilla

Source = Geek

Two Mountain Gorilla species are found in the world. One could be found in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and other in the Virunga volcanic mountains of central Africa. Mountain gorillas have thicker and longer fur than other gorillas, which helps them to live in colder temperatures.

Male mountain gorillas weigh around 195kg and are 160cm in height. They have dark brown eyes and a black ring around the iris. They are majorly herbivores and eat roots, flowers, barks, fruits, and sometimes small invertebrates.

They are extremely social and live in groups. These endangered species live on the high elevation slopes of Visoke, Mikeno, and Karisimbi. It is reported that around 400 mountain gorillas are left in the world. They are shy but sometimes aggressive.

People started believing that these species are a risk to their safety. Besides poaching, loss of habitat is also another reason why they are the most endangered species. Other than mountain gorillas, these animals are also known for their aggressiveness.

3. Bactrian Camel

Source = Financialtribune

Bactrian Camel is native to the steppes of Central Asia. They are famous for two large humps on their backs. You won’t believe, but Bactrian Camel could grow up to 7 feet tall at the shoulder and could weigh 2000 pounds. It has brown fur that gets shaggy in the winter and helps it to stay warm in the winter.

They usually feed plants but could eat shoes and dead carcasses when extremely hungry. You could find them in the Taklamakan and the Gobi desert in north-central Asia. They store fat in their hump, which is converted into the water and gives them energy when they don’t eat for a few days.

Camels are known to drink over 25gallons of water in a few minutes. Bactrian Camel is classified as the most endangered species. It is estimated that around 500-600 Bactrian Camels are living in the wild, and two wildlife preserves are protecting the species. They could live for 22-50 years. Do you other facts about Bactrian Camels?

4. Siberian Tiger

Source = Newstatesman

Siber Tigers are also known as Amur Tiger, Manchurian Tiger, and Korean Tiger, depending on the region they are found. They have dense fur and darker stripes compared to other tigers. They have a flexible tail, which could measure 36-39 inches in females and males, respectively.

A Siberian Tiger could weigh up to 1025lbs. A 2005 census estimated there are around 250 Siberian Tigers on Earth. This most endangered species could be found in eastern Russia, and a small population could be observed in China. They travel long distances for food. Know about a tiger's life span and amazing facts.

The Siberian Tiger feeds on Gorals, Siberian roe deer, rabbits, musk deer, and more. It has striped fur that allows it to camouflage with the environment and to attack prey. They are known for their strength and power. Unfortunately, they have faced difficult times.

The IUCN (International Union for Conservation for Nature) has classified these tigers as endangered. In the 1990s, they were critically endangered. Their population is under threat from the loss of habitat and poaching. Siberian Tiger alone doesn’t hide in the environment and attack prey; these camouflaged animals are also the master of their surroundings.

5. Philippine Eagle

Source = Pinimg

Philippine Eagle or the great Philippine Eagle is considered to be one of the largest of the extant eagles in the world. It is also one of the most powerful birds in the world and has been declared as the Philippine national bird. Due to the loss of habitat and deforestation, this bird of prey is critically endangered.

It is estimated that around 500 Philippine Eagles exist in the world. The Philippines has over 7000 islands, but you could find this endangered species in four islands in the region of eastern and northern regions of the country. They take 4-7 years to sexually mature. They could live up to 40 years in captivity and less in the wild.

Philippine Eagle has neon yellow feet, cotton white belly, fringe-like feathers on its leg, and a dark bill with a tinge of blue. They eat monkeys, macaques, and different animals. Its wing could grow up to 3 feet, and wingspan could be extended up to 7 feet. They rest at night. These eagles are not only large but also faster, making it a successful hunter.

6. Vaquita

Source = Nationalgeographic

Vaquita is the rarest sea mammal in the world. It is the smallest porpoise that can be found in the northern parts of the Gulf of California. The biggest threat to the survival of these marine species is the climate changes that decrease the amount of available food and the chemical pollution of water.

They are small and could reach 5feet in length and weigh up to 120 pounds. They have black lips, and eyes are encircled with black rings. Vaquita is a carnivore and feeds on crustaceans, prawns, and other small fishes.

They produce sharp and loud noise and live in groups of 3. Vaquita is a very shy creature and avoids contact with humans and boats.

They could survive 21 years in the wild and reaches sexual maturity at the age of 3-6 years. It is the smallest crustacean and has a chunkier body. With only 100 species of Vaquita present in the world, it is classified as the most endangered species. Vaquitas mate from April to May and their babies are born usually in March.

7. Kakapo

Source = Cbsistatic

Kakapo is the only parrot that cannot fly. It is also called owl parrot and has blotched yellow-green plumage. It has a large grey beak, large feet, and short wings and tail. It is nocturnal, herbivore, strange animal, and the only parrot to have a polygynous lek breeding system.

It is a critically endangered species with a known adult population of 211. It could measure 25inches in length and weigh up to 4kgs at maturity. They are the longest living birds and could live for 95-120years. It is indigenous to New Zealand and has been assigned an island as home.

The island is protected and has no cats, rats, and stoats to threaten owl parrot. They have a sweet musky odor, which helps them in finding each other. They do not fly but are excellent climbers and hikers. They have soft feathers and short wings that help them in balancing and for parachuting to the floor.

8. Arakan Forest Turtle

Source = Threetomoeblog

This endangered species could only be found in the Arakan Hills of western Myanmar. It is a semi-terrestrial turtle that means it could live on land and in water but prefers living in terrestrial habits. Its skin is soft and could range in colors. Turtles are covered by a large, hard shell to protect their soft skin.

They remain asleep for a day and hide under the leaves of the trees. They are omnivores and feed on fruits, worms, and sometimes small fish. While newborn Arakan forest turtle spends their time in the water, adult turtle lives on land.

In 1904, this turtle was declared as extinct, but in 1994, it was rediscovered when a few specimens were found for sale on the Asian food markets. Hunting for these species is carried by dogs. They are poached for food and medicine. Arakan Forest Turtles are low in numbers; they are still traded by animal pet dealers in China.

9. Northern Atlantic Right Whale

Source = Cwf-fcf

With only 400 whales remaining, these northern Atlantic Right Whales are considered to be the most endangered species in the world. Right whales feed on shrimp-like krill and other small fishes.

Their sprouts are shaped like V and have stocky black bodies. They are about 50 feet long and could weigh around 14,000lbs. These marine mammals migrate every year between coastal Atlantic Canada and New England. They are a promiscuous breeder and first give birth at the age of 9 after a year-long gestation.

These species were hunted nearly to extinction by American whalers, and its population is still struggling to rebound. Their daily diet consists of over 2500 pounds of tiny organisms and sea-drifting zooplankton. They migrate from northern waters to the Gulf of Mexico to give birth to their babies. Apart from Northern Atlantic Right Eagle, these endangered whales would soon become a part of history.

10. Lemur

Source = Britannica

Do you know over 100 different species of Lemur are found, and all of them are endangered? They could be found on the island of Madagascar. Most Lemurs have a pointed snout and a long tail. They belong to a group called prosimian primates and are neither monkeys or apes.

The largest species of Lemur is the Indri, and the smallest is mouse lemur, which grows to 4 inches long, excluding the tail. They are social creatures and live in groups. While the small lemurs are nocturnal, the larger ones are diurnal. Some lemurs are herbivores and feed on leaves, fruits, and sap. Some are omnivores and eat flowers, nectar, insects, and small vertebrates.

Once they mate, female Lemur would have a gestation period of 105-170 days and give birth to 2-6 lemurs at a time. They could live up to 30 years. As per the World Animal Foundation, 15-16% of lemurs are critically endangered, 25% are vulnerable, and 23% are endangered.

Final Words

Several plants and animals are put into the list of endangered species, and it is our responsibility to protect them. The first and foremost step to protect these endangered species is to know how important they are to the environment.

Grow plants, reduce water consumption, protecting wildlife habitats, sign petitions that protect wildlife, avoid using pesticides and toxins on your property, and more are a few common ways on how you can protect these endangered species. There are many things you can do to save these innocent species, but you must have to make a change right now.

Do you know other most endangered species existing on earth? Also, if you have an idea on how you can save these species, then don’t forget to share your ideas below.


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