Women Are Preferring C-Section Delivery Over Conventional Method

Giving birth to a child is an unbelievable and the most experiencing moment in a woman’s life. Both anxiety and pleasure are a...

8 years ago
Women Are Preferring C-Section Delivery Over Conventional Method

Giving birth to a child is an unbelievable and the most experiencing moment in a woman’s life. Both anxiety and pleasure are a part of the woman’s mixed emotions. The expectant lady starts researching about childbirth, labour pain, delivery methods and what not. Nowadays, even prospective fathers are worried about their child’s birth and their dear wife.   

A baby can be delivered by two methods. The vaginal method which is known as normal delivery or by C-section i.e. Cesarean delivery. Both the ways have their pros and cons. However, vaginal delivery is considered as a natural and uncomplicated way for delivering the baby. Most women are opting for the other method these days. 

Lets us study both the procedures. 

Here is the difference

Source = BabyResource

Normal Delivery

Source = Emaze

Normal delivery brings out the baby through vagina. Through the vaginal pathway, microorganisms lead to the production of specific cytokines. These proteins are helpful in normal development of the child’s immune system. 

Physiologically, the recovery time is shorter as compared to C-section and the mother can hold and breastfeed the baby immediately after delivery. 

Taking the psychological point in consideration, the mother feels empowered for actively participating in her child’s birth

Two methods of normal delivery

Source = Pinterest

Normal delivery can also be done using two methods- forceps and vacuum extraction. It depends on the condition of the mother for the method to be adopted. 

The only disadvantage of this process is child may sometimes get harmed by forceps or vacuum but if the process is performed by a skilled surgeon, no harm is caused.

C-Section delivery

Source = Logo

Surgeons mostly suggest C-section if any risk is involved in child birth. Although females nowadays opt for this method since it is pain free and less time taking. 

Labour time and pain can be avoided through this method but it increases chances of infections and takes more time to recover. 

This is the procedure for C-section delivery

Source = MedThai

Both methods of delivery are different from each other and both carry their own pros and cons. Every case and every patient differs from each other. The surgeon takes the decision that stands best for safe delivery of the child while keeping the mother in mind. The bottomline is to ensure health and safety of the mother and the baby. 


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