Drawing Blood | A Graphic Novel By TMNT Creator Kevin Eastman

Kevin Eastman and his team are making a Dramedy graphic novel on Shane Bookman & his brother, who claimed their shot to fame with The Radically Rearranged Ronin Ragdolls and their fall from that fame under the pressure of success.

The plot of the comic book describes the story of a young, unknown comic author named Shane "Books" Bookman and his brother Paul, who in 1992 coined an idea for a comic with the title The Radically Rearranged Ronin Ragdolls (literally "The Radical Reconstructed Ronin Ragdolls "), a trio of mutated, Katana- armed cats. The comic became a surprise hit and a huge franchise emerged, which remained a super success for over a decade.

However, the success of the two authors grew, and under the pressure of success, their creativity finally collapsed and the success of their creation. This caused their separation from one another, and in the course of the following years, "Books" slid unstoppably into the mire of ruin. Now at the lowest point, another aggravating factor is added to his worries: his corrupt business partner had lent money before his suicide with some loans, which are now to collect the debts - either in one way or another.

Kevin Eastman On Why He Chose Kickstarter

Source =Kickstarter

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles started out with just Kevin Eastman and his best buddy Peter Laird, doing this crazy thing on their own, with no editors and no publishers. According to Kevin, they like this to have the same vibe, but at the same time, they’d like their whole team to be able to pay their rent while the comic is being made. Kickstarter ensures the team’s freedom to make this comic exactly the way they want it and deliver it directly to the fans, without any interference. And whatever happens to Drawing BLOOD down the road, the backers can be assured that all the products and perks they are sending the fans will only ever be available in this form, with these covers and these extras, from this Kickstarter campaign.

A Finished Page Of The Graphic Novel

Source =Kickstarter

Mind Blowing Rewards For The Backers

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Source =Kickstarter

Kevin and team needs $75,000 to make the DRAWING BLOOD Vol. 1 graphic novel the way it’s intended, of which, almost $35000 has been backed by the fans through the Kickstarter campaign. They also have a ton of cool perks at all sorts of price-points so anyone can get involved.

The Team Behind The Drawing Blood- Kevin Eastman

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David Avallone

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Ben Bishop

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Troy Little

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Brittany Peer & Taylor Esposito

Source =Kickstarter

A Rough Layout For The Curious Fans

Source =Kickstarter

You can know more & back the campaign here

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